Thursday, February 11, 2016

Raziya Sultan

          During his last year, Iltutmish was worried over the problem of his succession because he considered none of his surving sons to be worthy of the throne. After a lot consideration, he decided to nominate his daughter Raziya to the throne. In order to assert her claim, Raziya had to contend against her brothers as well as against powerful Turkish nobles, and could rule only for three years. She refused to be addressed as Sultana because it meant "wife or consort of a Sultan". She would answer only to the title "Sultan." Despite of very short, her rule had a number interesting features. It marked the beginning of struggle for power between the monarchy and Turkish chiefs. Iltutmish had shown great deference to these Turkish chiefs. After his death, these chiefs drunk with power and arrogance, wanted to install a puppet on the throne, whom they could control. They soon discovered, the tough woman Raziya is not ready to play their game. She discarded the female apparel and started holding the court with her face unveiled. She even hunted and led the army in war. Iltutmish's wazir, Nizam-ul-Mulk Junaidi, who had opposed her elevation to the throne, and backed a rebellion against her, was defeated and forced to flee. She sent an expedition against Ranthambhor to control the Rajputs and successfully established law and order in her kingdom. But her attempt to create a party of nobles loyal to her and to raise a non-Turk to high office led to opposition. The Turkish nobles accused of her violating feminine modesty and being too friendly to Abyssinian noble, Yaqut Khan. Rebellions broke in Lahore and Sirhind, Raziya personally led an expedition to Lahore and compelled the governor to submit. On the way to Sirhind, an internal rebellion broke out in which Yaqut Khan was killed and Raziya imprisioned t Tabarhinda. However she own over her captor, Altunia, and after marrying him made a renewed attempt on Delhi. Raziya faught valiantly, but she was defeated and killed in a forest by bandits while she was in flight.

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